I will say that Mom is a cyclist at heart. She is the one who scrounged up a second helmet; the one who wanted to go for a second ride before I left to NH; the one who hopes to get another ride in the future. I think this is downright clutch.
The eight-mile loop Jeremiah and I hiked took us over three snowy peaks: Haystack, Lincoln, and Lafayette. They were all about 5,000 footers. The trail was pack full of snow, ice, and slush. We were slipping all over the place with our tennis shoes, since Jeremiah had banked on all the snow being melted by this time of year. He was wrong. I kept making pokes at him about this the whole way up...and down. No problem though--ours shoes got surprisingly clean through all that snow and skiing. We had also wisely (I'd like to think) packed an extra pair of socks in our packs for the odd occurrence of our feet becoming wet. They were soaked. Twice.
Overall, the trip was needed and fun. I hadn't seen my grandparents for about three (I think...) years, and the time was ripe for a visit. This was also probably the last time I would see Jeremiah and Becca before they left overseas. Even though I was ready to get back and stop spending money, it was good to see everyone and be reminded of the work of the Spirit in other places.
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